Efectívate Préstamos

by netservices



🏢 At Effective we offer fast, easy and reliable financial solutions to help you. Select the amount you need and the term that best suits you to pay, tell us a little about yourself and upload your documents to our system.🔐 All information entered is sent encrypted to the largest payment processor in Latin America, with the highest security standards.💰 Depending on the product you choose, you can request from 1,000 to 3,000 MXN to pay it off in up to 14 fortnightly installments with a minimum full loan payment period of 60 to 270 days.📅 With an interest rate of 9% to 12%, with a Simple Fixed Annual Rate of 140% and Average CAT (APR) of 742.4%.💳 Payments are made through direct automatic discounts to your payroll card, every fortnight or month depending on the frequency of your payments.🕐 This is a great advantage since you do not have to remember payment dates or travel to make your payments🧮 An example for "My first loan" would be:• Amount: 3000 MXN.• Deadline: 90 days in fortnightly installments• Interest at 11.67%: 1050.03 MXN• Total Payable: 4050.03 MXN• Fees: 6 to 675.01 MXN each• Simple Fixed Annual Rate: 140%• Average CAT (APR): 742.4%👍 You can perform different simulations through our Portal https://efectivate.com and choose the product that best suits your needs. Make your request and become effective with us.INNOVAFINT GROUP, S.A.P.I. DE C.V. Federal Taxpayer Registration: GIN161116PZ3Address: Atlixcáyotl 6514, San Bernardino Tlaxcalancingo, 72810 Tlaxcalancingo, Puebla, Mexico.